Dictation Capture + Submit to
With no additional hardware required, using the CascadeMD mobile app, you can easily dictate notes on your own phone. Simply select the resident and note type, and dictate the results of the examination or consultation. Once submitted, your dictation is converted to text and can be created immediately as a Progress Note in PointClickCare, or go through a review process first.

Real-time data from PointClickCare
With CascadeMD’s robust PointClickCare data Integration, Vitals, Diagnosis, Medications, Labs and even past progress notes can be viewed within the CascadeMD mobile application.
No more logging into multiple tools to view the information relevant to your notes,

Templates to match your needs
CascadeMD allows you to create as many templates as required for your facility. This ensures that dictated notes are added to PointClickCare formatted to your unique requirements.

Keyword Triggers
Unlimited triggers to streamline the dictations process. With our PointClickCare integration verbal triggers can be used to add information to your note. Want to add vitals? Just say “Insert Vitals” and your note will be populated with the most recent vitals from PointClickCare.
Keyword triggers can be configured to not only add dynamic information from PointClickCare like vitals, but also static information like “insert signature” to add your signature or “insert standard exam”.